We are GDPR Compliant

The General Data Protection Right (GDPR) came in effect on May 25, 2018, with the aim to harmonize and protect data privacy and data flow across the European Union, replacing the Data Protection Directive. GDPR focuses on protecting and empowering all EU citizens’ data privacy and reshaping the way organizations across the region approach data privacy. With the fast-paced increase in data privacy breaches, GTA Rental Servicescomplies with GDPR and is highly dedicated to protect the privacy of our customers’ data.

GTA Rental Servicesis developed for enterprises with robust security and compliance features like:

Access control (authentication and authorization)
Data encryption
Continuous network and security monitoring
Vulnerability management
Incident response and recovery
Security awareness training
GTA Rental Servicesand GDPR

We ensure that data that reaches us is safe and each individual/customer has control over the flow of their data. GDPR compliance is ensured at GTA Rental Servicesat different levels.

1. Security- First Culture

GTA Rental Servicespromotes a security-first culture by ensuring that safeguarding data privacy is at the forefront of every process, practices, procedures, and methodology that we adapt. Our team is constantly trained with the latest technologies and techniques to ensure the utmost data security.

2. Data Encryption

Every data that flows in and around GTA Rental Servicesis encrypted and accessed with authentication only.

3. Auditing

We are adding another level of security layer by auditing and reviewing all HR data storage processes on a regular basis. The next level of bringing transparency in the workspace.

4. Holistic Approach

GDPR compliance is practiced among us by having a holistic approach by involving in all departments through a cross-functional team.

5. Responsible collection and sharing of data

Being GDPR compliant aims to stress on responsible collection and sharing of data and team GTA Rental Servicesstrives to work towards achieving the same

6. Transparency

We understand customer demands on their data security and our customers can at any point can approach us by sending an email to and ask for any information pertaining to their account or any personal data.

Our customers can reach out to us at any point with any concerns or queries regarding their data security. For more information on our GDPR compliance, please feel free to write to us at We will be more than happy to help you.